Slovenian national legislation

The main law in the concerning field in Slovenia is the Cultural Heritage Protection Act from 2008 with subsequent changes. In Article 3 we can find precise definitions related to:
Archaeological finds are moveable archaeological remains, which have been under the ground or underwater for at least 100 years. Archaeological finds are also weapons, ammunition and other military equipment, military vehicles and vessels, or parts thereof, that were under ground or under water for at least 50 years;
Archaeological remains are all things, and any traces of human activity from previous periods on the surface, in the soil and water, the conservation and the study of which contribute to discovering the historical development of mankind and its relation with the natural environment, for which the main source of information are archaeological research or discovery and for which it can be assumed that they were under ground or under water for at least 100 years and that they have characteristics of heritage. Archaeological remains are also things related to cemeteries, as defined under the regulations on war graves, and to war, together with the archaeological and natural context, which were under ground or under water for at least 50 years. Professionally identified and registered archaeological remains become heritage;
Archaeological site is the original place of deposition and discovery of archaeological remains. Professionally identified and registered archaeological sites become heritage (registered archaeological sites).
You can find out more about the legislation in Slovenia in the BASELINE STUDY prepared by the project partners.