Archeoplan methodology

This Guidebook is a practical tool that provides step-by-step instructions for municipalities to design and implement their own Local Archeo Plan (LAP) as a key condition for good planning and effective cultural management of the local archaeological heritage. These instructions are designed to facilitate a wider adoption of the proposed methodology by local authorities and other interested stakeholders.

The Guidebook is therefore aimed equally at:

  • Municipal employees responsible for urban development, heritage conservation and tourism;
  • Managers of archaeological sites;
  • Tourism professionals or other people who contribute to the local tourism industry;
  • Interested citizens who want to contribute to the development of their community.

Although this is apparently a diverse group of people having very different backgrounds and interests, they can all contribute to the designing of Local Archeo Plans because they can bring in their own experience and/or expertise. This wide variety of stakeholders represents the multifaceted approach that is part of the recipe for success of such plans. The Guidebook provides a novel methodology that has been thoroughly tested by several municipalities from the Danube Region, which have designed and implemented a number of Local Archeo Plans as part of the Interreg DTP Project ArcheoDanube. The ArcheoDanube team wishes all readers of this Guidebook success in their initiative to combine urban development, archaeology and tourism in a way that is meaningful both socially and economically for their communities. In this regard, a well designed and implemented Local Archeo Plan is the right tool for achieving these objectives.

Chapter I: Introduce

Chapter II: Assessment of the local archaeological heritage

Chapter III: Feasibility study

Chapter IV: Designing the local archeo plans

Chapter V: Implementation and maintenance

Chapter VI: Local archeo plan template

Ten partners of the ArcheoDanube project were tasked with creating LAPs about their own chosen site. Some of them have already chosen the sites at the beginning of the project, while others changed the location through the process of creating their LAP. They regularly reported their progress on the partner meetings in Vienna, Sarajevo and Varna. The final LAP will be delivered at the end of the project.