
Because culture is in the domain of regional governments, there is no national cultural legislation in Germany. Therefore, in the federal state of Baden-Württenberg, the so-called Denkmalschutzgesetz Baden-Württemberg168 regulates the cultural heritage policies for the region.
The Landesamt für Denkmalpflege is responsible for scientific, conservation and restoration work. Some of its main tasks concerning archaeological heritage and archaeological parks are:
- to develop technical principles and guidelines for the methodology and practice of monument conservation,
- to ensure their uniform implementation throughout the state,
- to prepare and implement the establishment of monument support programmes,
- to record, document and research cultural monuments and entire sites in lists,
- to advise third parties, in particular the owners and holders of cultural monuments, on the technical aspects of monuments,
- to carry out the central public relations work in the field of historic monuments and
- to communicate the cultural heritage of the state covered by the protection of historic monuments and the measures for its preservation to the public.
More Legislative framework

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Bulgarian national legislation