Moldovan national legislation

In relation to the topics of the ArcheoDanube project the principal act to consider in Moldova is the Law no. 218 from 17.09.2010 on the preservation of the archaeological heritage of the Republic of Moldova, related to several other bylaws.
Here you can find some relevant definitions, as:
Archaeological site - lands with archaeological remains related to human activity from the past: prehistoric resorts, settlements, cities, fortresses, flat necropolises, mounds, sanctuaries, monasteries, cave complexes, etc.
Archaeological ensembles are complexes consisting of two or more integrated archaeological sites (fortification ensembles, cave ensembles, mound ensembles, monastery ensembles).
Archaeological heritage - all material goods emerged as a result of past human activity, preserved in natural conditions above and under the earth surface, underwater, under the form of archaeological sites (settlements, necropoles, isolated burials, tumuli, fortresses, ramparts, constructions, churches, buildings, dwellings annexes) or mobile goods (objects or their fragments), which for identification and study need the application of archaeological methods.
You can find out more about the legislation and definition in Moldova in the BASELINE STUDY prepared by the project partners.
More Legislative framework