Czech Republic national legislation

The Czech Act on State Landmark Conservation No. 20/1987 (Zákon o státní památkové péči č.20/1987 Sb.), with succeeding changes, defines an archaeological find as follows (§ 23, point 1): “an archaeological find means an object (a set of objects) that is a document or remnant of the life of man and his activities from the beginning of his development up to modern times and that survived, usually underground.” There are no definitions for archaeological parks.
The organizational structure of State Landmark Care in defined in § 25:
“(1) State Landmark Conservation shall be performed by the bodies of State Landmark Conservation, i.e., the Ministry of Culture, the regional authorities and the municipal offices of municipalities with extended powers.
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(2) The professional organization involved in State Landmark Conservation shall be accountable to the Ministry of Culture (The National Heritage Institute).”
Several other pieces of legislation deal with heritage protection and cultural heritage.
- Protection and Use of Cultural Landmarks
- Renewal of Cultural Landmarks
- Archaeological Research Authorization
- Ownership Title to Movable Archaeological Finds
You can find out more about the legislation in Czech Republic in the BASELINE STUDY prepared by the project partners.